Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning with attached Proof 2024

Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning with attached Proof 2024: Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning with attached proof you can start blogging today, internet offer two major blogging sites one is Google blogger and other is word press blogger. many people on internet are searching about Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning proof on internet   as both offers good online earning platform. First of all do a little research on topic, try to find out the best resources from where you will get the content to publish on your blog. Word press needs some technical skills if you don’t have go to blogger. Blogging takes 3-4 month to gear up your earning by 10-20 $ per day. In blogging the cost per click is 10 to 20 times higher than YouTube this is the big reason why people search-YouTube earning vs. Blogger earning proof on internet. Compare Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning with attached Proof 2024

Compare YouTube earning vs. blogger earning with attached proof 2024

Google blogger: Google blogger is free and easy to use. Just login to Google blogger by using your Gmail account and start creating post, you can easily manage the post. In blogger you will get sub domain of Blog Spot and not the .com domain but you can easily link your .com domain if you want. If your content is good than even the existing blog spot domain will be a more successful. Whatever you do with full heart and practical sense that will hit the target, Please improve your blog eliminating any loop holes in it. The existing one got some added advantage of some existing viewer which you won’t get with a new blog. Blogger offer a free hosting plate from that why the revenue sharing is less at the ratio of 55:45.suppose you earn 100$ then 45 (45%) is given to you and 55 is taken by Google. The earning per click which is showing in ad sense is based on this calculation. Below is the attached proof. Website click earning is credited in your ad sense on the spot but in YouTube before 15 of every month the earning is credited and views earning will be credited when you reach the payment threshold of 100 $.

Word press blogger: Word Press is better than blogger as it is very easy to handle and there are a large number of plug-in also for Word Press which makes your blog more attractive. Word press is also quite attractive compare to blogger but if you want to use this blog to increase the traffic of your site, you should use blogger because there are less chance for Google to track the content of your blog as word press never let you put the duplicate content on your blog. Word press also needs the investment of 2000-2500 yearly for domain and hosting. As in word press you are using your own paid hosting the revenue sharing will increase to 65 %.if you want to make professional blog then go with word press.

YouTube: You can also make good money from YouTube also. But you have to create the videos which can get good views on daily basis. A good blogger cannot be a good you tuber but a good you tuber can become a good blogger its fact. YouTube cost per click (CPC) is very less than the blogger. Below is the attached proof. The time and hard work which you are giving on YouTube try to do same with blogger also your earning will increase by 10 to 20 times. Suppose from you tube you are earning 500 $ per month then by using blogger with same traffic you will earn 5000 $, below is the attached proof, above are the attached images from where you can ‘Get Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning proof on internet’

How to check the revenue sharing of your ad sense account: when you enable the monetize option in blogger or YouTube you can check your percentage. The below info is official and is taken from the Google support link.

For displaying ads with Ad Sense for content, publishers receive 68% of the revenue recognized by Google in connection with the service. For Ad Sense for search, publishers receive 51% of the revenue recognized by Google. These percentages are consistent, regardless of a publisher’s geographic location, and are not in any way averaged between publishers. We don’t disclose the revenue share for other Ad Sense products; the revenue share varies for other products due to different costs of developing and supporting these products.

You can view revenue share details in your account:

1. Sign in to your Ad Sense account.

2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings.

3. Click Account, and then click Account information.

4. In the “Account information” section, you’ll see each revenue share displayed next to “Active products.”

We believe our revenue share is extremely competitive. However, revenue shares alone can be misleading, so we encourage you to focus on the total revenue generated for your site. For example, if Google’s auction of ad inventory on your site generates $100, with our 68% revenue share you’d receive $68 through Ad Sense. Another ad network might offer an 80% revenue share, but only collect $50 from advertisers, so you’d receive $40.Both blogger and YouTube offers you good earning platform you can check the about ‘Blogger earning vs. YouTube earning with attached proof 2024’

With the vast number of advertisers competing to appear on Ad Sense sites, our system ensures that you’re earning the most possible for every ad impression you receive.YouTube earning vs. blogger earning with attached proof 2024”


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