Price Action Trading vs. Indicators

Price action trading vs. indicators: The stock market is where investors buy and sell shares of companies. It is a group of exchanges where companies issue shares and other securities for trading. It also includes over-the-counter (OTC) markets where investors trade securities directly with each other (rather than through an exchange). Price action vs indicator trading

indicator vs price action

What is price action trading: In simple terms, price action trading is a technique that allows a trader to read the market and make subjective trading decisions based on recent and actual price movements, rather than relying solely on technical indicators

What is indicator trading: Trading indicators are mathematical calculations plotted as lines on price charts that help traders identify certain signals and trends in the stock market. They are simply a set of tools applied to trading charts to demystify the market and provide clear analysis. ‘Price action vs technical analysis’





Can Predict how many candles may form

Anything can happen


Give you Entry at  Good Point

Give you late entry


Price action can't give Trap entry,

Indicator can give Trap Entry


Price action does not depend upon the indicator

But the Indicator depends on price action


You can capture Big Point

Capturing of  Big point is not possible because of late entry


Price action accuracy is more

indicator accuracy is  less


With price action, you can trade with the bigger quantity

With indicator  big quantity Trade is  very risky


Price action is the only one in the market

But there are many indicator in the market


With Price Action you can Identify Today's Market will be bullish bearish or sideways but Accuracy is less

With Indicator detection of  Bullish,bearish, and sideways markets is very easy


Prediction of the market that is  overbought or oversold  is not easy with Price Action

Prediction of the market that it is  overbought, oversold  identification is  easy


With Price action detection of momentum is not easy for multiple confirmations you have to use an indicator,

with indicator, you can identify whether today market will gain momentum or not


With price action detection of support and resistance is possible

With indicator detection of support and assistance is less possible.


With price action, you will always trade with confidence

with indicator every time you will remain in doubt that it may happen or may not happen


In a trendy market using price action,   you can detect each and every point without an indicator

there are indicators that can show you to which point the market can move or bounce back

As for my trading experience to become or to remain profitable I have to use both indicators as well as price action secondly both are depend on each other for their momentum but it is fact that maximum times indicator give late entry in live market. Trading is all about psychology and money management. Secondly if you can capture trending market you can get trending market ones a week or 3 times a week  “price action trading vs technical analysis”






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